East Africa Tea Trade Association

East African Tea Trade Association

Core Business

The broad objectives of EATTA are:

  • Promotion of orderly sale of tea among members in Africa;
  • Lobbying and advocacy; and
  • Marketing and membership support.

Specifically, the objectives are as follows:

  • To manage tea buying and selling, including the Tea Auction.
  • To lobby regulatory and statutory bodies in member countries to create an enabling business environment for our members along the value chain.
  • To facilitate interaction between members and stakeholders.
  • To facilitate effective access to market and other relevant industry trade information.
  • To facilitate linkages of members to international markets.


The East African Tea Trade Association is a voluntary organization bringing together Tea Producers, Buyers (Exporters), Brokers, Tea Packers and Warehouses, all working to promote the best interests of the Tea Trade in Africa. Currently, membership comprises over three hundred companies extending across the East and Central African borders. EATTA mandated to promote and facilitate the interests of all the stakeholders in the tea trade in Africa by creating an enabling business environment geared towards maintaining global standards and delivering tea products to the customers in the most profitable way.

Vision: Best Value for African Tea in the Global Market.

Mission: To facilitate the sustainable growth of the tea sector of Africa through the operation of an efficient and effective trading platform, strong representation of the industry, and effective service delivery to our membership.

Primary Functions

The primary functions of the association are:

  • To facilitate the Mombasa Tea Auction operations Maintain discipline in the trade by ensuring compliance with the constitution.
  • To promote the best interests of the Tea Trade in Africa.
  • To compile and circulate statistical information to assist members in their operations.
  • To help solve trade problems affecting members collectively.
  • To organize social and educational programmes for members.

Tea Producers

These are companies involved in the planting, farming, harvesting and production of tea such as: Kenya Tea Development Agency Limited: Administration of the small scale farming sub-sector, currently taking their green leaf to 68 tea factories.

Small-scale tea growers, estimated at 400, 000, process and market their tea through 68 tea factories under the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA), while large scale tea growers (tea estates) process and market their tea through 39 tea factories operated on individual private basis. KTDA renders managerial, production, transportation and marketing services which include management of tea factories, green leaf transportation, procurement of production inputs, marketing of processed tea and payment of tea proceeds to the growers.

Currently there are 84 producer members. The companies are involved in production, trading and value addition. Producers are represented by brokers at the Weekly Tea Auction held in Mombasa. The factory/farmers who own the registration mark send a sample of their produce to brokers in Mombasa who then send the samples to buyers for evaluation before the auction day. They then meet with the buyers at the weekly auction for trading.

Application for EATTA Membership - General Guidelines

EATTA Producer Members

Primary Functions

The primary functions of the association are:

  • To facilitate the Mombasa Tea Auction operations Maintain discipline in the trade by ensuring compliance with the constitution.
  • To promote the best interests of the Tea Trade in Africa.
  • To compile and circulate statistical information to assist members in their operations.
  • To help solve trade problems affecting members collectively.
  • To organize social and educational programmes for members.



In its endeavor to realize its vision and mission, EATTA upholds the following core values:

Strong Governance and Professionalism

EATTA’s Board, Management and Members respect and demonstrate strong governance, professionalism and positive behaviours in all aspects of our operations

Transparency & Integrity

EATTA’s Board, Executive and Members operate at all times in an open, honest and accountable manner

Membership driven

Our members’ interests – individually and through the Sub Associations – are the central priority for EATTA in terms of representation and the development of products and services for members

Innovative and value add service delivery

EATTA seeks to add value and innovate across all of our services to our membership, and to achieve consistently high levels of member satisfaction


Committed to a sustainable and successful tea sector

EATTA works with our members and stakeholders to achieve a sustainable and growing tea sector value chain in Africa


Role of EATTA and the tea sector

Membership & Affiliation

Kenya Chamber of Commerce
Federation of Kenya Employers
International Tea Committee
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